I love using literature to introduce math concepts whenever I can. I usually started my geometry unit reading The Greedy Triangle (it's a classic!). Incorporating books and literature kinda keeps things interesting and changes things up in math too- I mean math teachers like to read too!!
I also liked to use videos and songs too- check out my blog post about that here.
I also liked to use videos and songs too- check out my blog post about that here.
Here's a list of books you might want to check out when you are teaching geometry:
The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns
If You Were a Quadrilateral by Molly Blaisdell
If You Were a Polygon by Marcie Aboff
Grandfather Tang's Story: A Tale Told with Tangrams by Ann Tompert
Perfect Square by Micheal Hall
Spaghetti and Meatballs For All by Marilyn Burns
Perimeter, Area and Volume: A Monster Book of Dimension by David Adler
Mummy Math: An Adventure in Geometry by Cindy Neuschwander
What's Your Angle, Pythagorus? by Julie Ellis
Shape Up! by David Adler
Let's Fly A Kite (Symmetry) by Stuart Murphy
Seeing Symmetry by Loreen Leedy
Captain Invincible and the Space Shapes (3-D Shapes) by Stuart Murphy
Sir Cumference Math Adventures by Cindy Neuschwander
These task cards are great to use during math centers! I made this set of 20 task cards that covers identifying polygons, recognizing and drawing shapes, and attributes of shapes.
And I loved using exit tickets at times in my class because it was a super fast way for me to see who mastered a concept. I'd give my kiddos an exit ticket, collect it as they headed out the door and then quickly sort them into 3 piles- totally got it, definitely didn't get it and the in betweeners. That just made it easy for me to grab a quick group when I had time to try and do a quick reteach later that day or the next day before I started the next lesson.
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