Mother's Day Card Wordles using Tagxedo!

It's closing in on the end of the year and that means Mother's Day is near!  (Did you like that little rhyme?  I wasn't even trying to do that. lol)  If you are anything like me that means that this week you are either gearing up to do your annual Mother's Day present or scrambling to find something NOW. Last year, Mother's Day just snuck up on me.  I couldn't do my normal cute Mother's Day craft because I had looped up with some of my kiddos, so I had to think of something new- and fast! 

Help your students make a Mother's Day wordle card using Tagxedo! These make super cute and easy Mother's Day presents. Review character traits and have students use 10 words to describe their moms to make their heart word clouds

That's when I found the website-  This site makes wordles using any words you want from a list, website or blog and then allows you to customize your wordle.  They have tons of different designs, fonts and color schemes to choose from.  

I turned our Mother's Day card into a quick review lesson on character traits.  We started by reviewing character traits we had discussed previously using our interactive journals.  Then we brainstormed some traits that we felt would describe our moms.  We discussed what all of the traits meant if it wasn't a word everyone was familiar with.  I made a long list in Word on my computer as the kids called them out so they could see all of the ideas projected.  Then, I gave them a paper and had them list the 10 character traits they thought best described their mom.

After that, I used to input their list to create cute heart shaped wordles to be the cover of a special Mother's Day card.  Now, I did all of this myself because we only had 4 computers in our room and none of them could print on a color printer.  But, if you have better access to technology your students could definitely do this themselves!

1.  Go to and click "Create".  (Make sure you do NOT use Google Chrome as your browser.  The site uses some kind of software that is not compatible with Chrome.  I used Firefox with no problems.)

2.  Click "Load" and enter all of the word traits in the box that says "Enter Text" and click "Submit".

3.  Next, you want to pick the shape for your wordle. Tagxedo has several shapes that you can choose.  I picked a heart shape for our Mother's Day love.

4. Now, pick a color theme.  Go to "Theme" and choose the color theme you like.  I used "Aline" for my heart wordle.

5.  Last, click "Save" and choose how you want to save your image, so you can pull it up to print.

6.  Print your wordle, cut it out and attach it to the cover of your Mother's Day card.

Help your students make a Mother's Day wordle card using Tagxedo! These make super cute and easy Mother's Day presents. Review character traits and have students use 10 words to describe their moms to make their heart word clouds


Books to Use When Teaching Geometry

I love using literature to introduce math concepts whenever I can.  I usually started my geometry unit reading The Greedy Triangle (it's a classic!).  Incorporating books and literature kinda keeps things interesting and changes things up in math too- I mean math teachers like to read too!!
I also liked to use videos and songs too- check out my blog post about that here.  

A great list of books for teaching geometry concepts in elementary school! I've used The Greedy Triangle every year.

Here's a list of books you might want to check out when you are teaching geometry:

The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns
If You Were a Quadrilateral by Molly Blaisdell
If You Were a Polygon by Marcie Aboff
Perfect Square by Micheal Hall
Shape Up! by David Adler
Let's Fly A Kite (Symmetry) by Stuart Murphy
Seeing Symmetry by Loreen Leedy
Captain Invincible and the Space Shapes (3-D Shapes) by Stuart Murphy
Sir Cumference Math Adventures by Cindy Neuschwander

I love using task cards in my math centers!  They are super easy and quick to set up and can be changed at every new topic or concept (geometry, place value, etc.), but your students still know what to do!

These task cards are great to use during math centers!  I made this set of 20 task cards that covers identifying polygons, recognizing and drawing shapes, and attributes of shapes.

Exit tickets are a great way to quickly and easily assess your students' knowledge of the geometry concept that was taught during the lesson.

And I loved using exit tickets at times in my class because it was a super fast way for me to see who mastered a concept.  I'd give my kiddos an exit ticket, collect it as they headed out the door and then quickly sort them into 3 piles-  totally got it, definitely didn't get it and the in betweeners.  That just made it easy for me to grab a quick group when I had time to try and do a quick reteach later that day or the next day before I started the next lesson.

Follow my Teaching Math board on Pinterest for more ideas!

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